Finding licenses using search criteria
Use the Licenses application to locate a particular license or group of licenses using available search criteria. You can search for licenses based on attributes such as the license name, platform, type, status, vendor, and more. You can also search for licenses based on the software associated with the license or on the license termination date.
About this task
This task enables you to find a particular license using many available search criteria. One frequently used search criterion is software. When a request for new software license is received, the first step is to check the current license availability for the software.
A request typically focuses on the business need for a specific software product and requirements on how the software should be delivered. You can use this information to initiate an advanced search that displays all active licenses for the software product. Alternatively, you can use the Licenses filter for the record list, which includes additional search fields for capacity and capacity unit. Then scroll through the list of returned license records to determine if any license has enough unallocated capacity to fulfill the request. The license must also be of the right license type and meet any other requirements noted in the request, such as scope.
When you are using the Licenses application to look for licenses, displaying all records in the record list can generate thousands of license entries. The Licenses filter (the fields in the top, License row, of the Licenses table window), and the Advanced Search feature, offer many ways to search for and filter the license entries. You can also use these search features to reduce the Licenses record list to a default 200 entries (unless configured otherwise) or less, which is required before you can select multiple records to work with.
The steps for finding licenses using search criteria follow: