Excluding software from license audit reports
Use the Deployed Software application to exclude deployed software records from being considered by license audit reports.
About this task
Excluded software will be omitted from the following
- Install based audit (installaudit.rptdesign)
- Install based audit by customer (installaudit.rptdesign)
- Points based audit (pointsaudit.rptdesign)
- Points based license audit by customer (pointsaudit.rptdesign)
- Processor based audit (cpuaudit.rptdesign)
- Processor core based audit (cpucoreaudit.rptdesign)
- PVU based audit (pvuaudit.rptdesign)
- PVU based audit by customer (pvuaudit.rptdesign)
- PVU subcapacity based audit (pvusubaudit.rptdesign)
- PVU subcapacity based audit by customer (pvusubaudit.rptdesign)
- RVU based audit (rvuaudit.rptdesign)
- RVU subcapacity based audit (rvusubaudit.rptdesign)
- MSU based license audit (msuaudit.rptdesign)
- MSU based license audit by customer (msuaudit.rptdesign)
- Mainframe value unit audit (valueunitaudit.rptdesign)
By default, the Use Exemption and Justification Remarks fields on the Deployed Software tab are empty for the current record. After a deployed software record is excluded, these fields reflect the information supplied in the Modify Software Use Exemption window once you complete the Modify Software Use Exemption action.
The steps for excluding software from license audit reports follow.
- On the navigation bar, click .
- Place the cursor in the Software Product Name field. Type a filter term if you want to limit the list of records. Click Enter.
- In the Deployed Software table window, click the record that you want to exclude from audits. The record is displayed on the Deployed Software tab.
- Select the Modify Software Use Exemption action. Note that, for deployed software records that meet the exclusion criteria, the Modify Software Use Exemption action is available on all tabs. In the record list, if you do not select one or more records while attempting to change the use exemption, the following message will be displayed This action affects all n records in this result set, where n is the number of records in your set. Click OK to proceed with the exclusion of all records or click Cancel to cancel the exclusion.
- In the Modify Software Use Exemption window, select a use exemption from the list and note the reason for excluding the software from audit reports in the Justification Remarks field.
- To exclude the selected deployed software records, click OK.