Running a license use report
Use the Licenses application to run one or more reports that compare license record information to deployed asset data obtained through discovery. The comparison data provided in the reports indicate areas for corrective action and help clarify your state of audit-readiness.
Before you begin
About this task
Report | Report file name | Description |
Install based audit | installaudit.rptdesign | Displays the total license capacity for specific
products, the total discovered capacity for computers where the software
is installed, and the variance. This report only returns data for
products that are associated with licenses with a capacity unit of INSTINST (installed
instances). Each of the returned totals are
hyperlinked to a subreport which displays details that are used to
make up the total. Includes install based license details and install based deployed details, which are drilldown reports that show the license capacity details of the summarized license count and the deployed details of the summarized deployed count, respectively. |
Install based audit by customer | installaudit.rptdesign | Displays the install-based license audit information by customer. If the license is assigned to a specific customer, the defined capacity in the license is compared to the number of deployed assets associated with that same customer, and the variance is noted in the report. |
Points based audit | pointsaudit.rptdesign | Displays the total license capacity for specific products, the total discovered capacity (a summary of the count of computers with the software installed multiplied by the points value specified for each product), and the variance. This report only returns data for products that are associated to licenses with a capacity unit of POINTS. Each of the returned totals are hyperlinked to a subreport which displays details that are used to make up the total. |
Points based audit by customer | Displays the points-based license audit information by customer. If the license is assigned to a specific customer, the defined capacity in the license is compared to the number of deployed assets associated with that same customer, and the variance is noted in the report. | |
Processor based audit | cpuaudit.rptdesign | Displays the total license capacity for specific products, the total discovered capacity (the number of processors identified on the computers where the software is installed multiplied by the core multiplier value specified in the license), and the variance. This report only returns data for products that are associated with licenses with a capacity unit of PROCS (processors) or PROCCORE (processor core). Each of the returned totals are hyperlinked to a subreport which displays details that are used to make up the total. |
Processor core based audit | cpucoreaudit.rptdesign | Displays the total license capacity for specific products, the total discovered capacity (the number of processors identified on the computers where the software is installed, multiplied by the number of cores and by the core multiplier value specified in the license), and the variance. This report only returns data for products that are associated with licenses with a capacity unit of PROCCORE (processor core). Each of the returned totals are hyperlinked to a subreport which displays details that are used to make up the total. |
PVU based audit | pvuaudit.rptdesign | Displays the total license capacity for specific
products, the total discovered PVU for computers where the software
is installed, and the variance. This report only returns data for
products that are associated with licenses with a capacity unit of VALUNITS (value
units). Each of the returned totals are
hyperlinked to a subreport which displays details that are used to
make up the total. Includes PVU based license details and PVU based Deployed Software details, which are drilldown reports that show the license capacity details of the summarized license count and the deployed details of the summarized deployed count, respectively. |
PVU based audit by customer | pvuaudit.rptdesign | Displays the customer side PVU subcapacity based license audit information. If the license is assigned to a specific customer, the defined capacity in the license is compared to the number of deployed assets associated with that same customer, and the variance is noted in the report. |
PVU subcapacity based audit | pvusubaudit.rptdesign | Displays the partial license capacity for specific products, the partial discovered processor value units (PVUs) for computers where the software is installed, and the variance. This report only returns data for products that are associated to licenses with value unit capacity. |
PVU subcapacity based audit by customer | pvusubaudit.rptdesign | Displays the customer-side PVU subcapacity based license audit information. If the license is assigned to a specific customer, the defined capacity in the license is compared to the number of deployed assets associated with that same customer, and the variance is noted in the report. |
RVU based audit | rvuaudit.rptdesign | Displays the total license capacity for specific
products, the total discovered RVU for computers where the software
is installed, and the variance. This report only returns data for
products that are associated with licenses with a capacity unit of VALUNITS (value
units). Each of the returned totals are
hyperlinked to a subreport which displays details that are used to
make up the total. Includes RVU based license details and RVU based Deployed Software details, which are drilldown reports that show the license capacity details of the summarized license count and the deployed details of the summarized deployed count, respectively. |
RVU subcapacity based audit | rvusubaudit.rptdesign | Displays the partial license capacity for specific products, the partial discovered resource value units (RVUs) for computers where the software is installed, and the variance. This report only returns data for products that are associated to licenses with value unit capacity. |
MSU based license audit | msuaudit.rptdesign | Displays the total license capacity for specific products, the total discovered capacity (the sum of MSU on the computers where the software is installed), and the variance (the total license capacity minus total discovered capacity). This report only returns data for products that are associated to licenses with the capacity unit set to MSU. Each of the returned totals is hyperlinked to a subreport which displays details that are used to make up the total. |
Mainframe value unit audit | valueunitaudit.rptdesign | Displays the total license capacity for specific mainframe products, the total discovered capacity (the sum of value units on the computers where the software is installed), and the variance (the total license capacity minus total discovered capacity). This report returns data only for mainframe software products whose licenses measure capacity in value units. Running the report first converts capacity that was originally discovered in MSU to value units and then displays the results in value units. Each of the returned totals is hyperlinked to a subreport which displays details that are used to make up the total. |
MSU based license audit by customer | msuaudit.rptdesign | Displays the following information about the licenses for each customer: the total license capacity for specific products, the total discovered capacity (the sum of MSU on the computers where the software is installed), and the variance (the total license capacity minus total discovered capacity). This report returns data only for mainframe products that are associated to licenses with the capacity unit set to MSU. |
License details | licensedetails.rptdesign | (Not an audit report) Provides a method to print the details for each license record. |
Software products by vendor and license | swvendlic.rptdesign | (Not an audit report) Groups by vendor, and displays the licenses associated with each vendor and the software associated with each license. |
The Licenses application provides a reports option that lets you view and manage the following things:
On Demand Reports: BIRT reports that come with the product are related to and available in the Licenses application. The reports available to you are based on your security groups.
Scheduling Status: Reports that are scheduled to run on a recurring basis or at a time in the future. You can view or edit report schedules.
For help running reports, click Help in the top right corner of the Reports window, which appears after you select the Run Reports action in the Licenses application.
- Verify that you have the most up-to-date discovery data available.
- Decide what license type you want to report on.
- Run the appropriate report for the license type (see the procedure documented below).
- In the report results, compare the authorized data to the discovered data and identify the differences.
- Take corrective action, based on the differences.
- Continue to rerun the report and make corrections until you are satisfied with the results.
The steps for running a license use report follow.