Applying a license template

When creating software licenses, you can use the Apply License Template function to apply a template to a license. When you apply the template, the values specified in the template populate fields in the license.

Before you begin

You can review the set of templates that is installed with Control Desk to determine whether one of them provides the values needed in your license. You can also create your own template using the Manage License Templates action in the Licenses application.

About this task

The following rules apply to the use of license templates:
  • You can apply a template only if the status of the license is Draft or Not Ready.
  • After you apply a template, you can change any of the values in the license that were populated by the template.
  • If you specify values in a license and subsequently apply a template, the values in the template replace the values that you specified originally. If a field in the template is empty, the value in the license remains unchanged.
  • Before you save a license record, you can apply a template to the license more than once. For example, if you apply the wrong template, you can repeat the procedure to apply the correct template.
  • After you save a license record, you can apply a template to the license only if you have not applied a template to it before. If you applied one or more templates to the license before you saved it, you cannot apply a template to it again after the license is saved.
  • If the vendor in the template does not belong to the same organization as the license, the vendor is not added to the license.
The following instructions explain how to apply a template to a license.


  1. In the Licenses application, create a new license or open an existing license with a status of Draft or Not Ready.
  2. Select the Apply License Template action.
  3. In the License Templates table on the Apply License Template window, select the template that you want to apply and click OK. The values in the template populate the fields in the license record.
  4. Specify values in other fields in the license record as needed.
  5. When you finish creating the license, click Save.
