Process Requests application
The Process Requests application is used to create, view, and modify IT process management requests.
To view a list of records that have been created and saved in the application, place the cursor in the Process Request field, and press Enter. Use the search and query capabilities to limit your list as needed. After you open a record, you can click View Record List to return to the list of records.
Tabs are displayed when a record is open; the tabs enable you to work with the selected record.
Process request tab
- Process Request
- The unique identifier for the process request.
- Owner
- The user who is responsible for managing the request until it is resolved.
- Owner Group
- The group responsible for managing the ticket until it is resolved. All members of the group can see the request in their work view
- Process State
- Shows the current state of the request. The request can be in
one of the following states:
- Attachments
- User Information
- When a request is being created, the fields in this section are
populated with the information for the user that is logged on if the
data is available.
- Requestor
- Shows the user ID of the user who submitted the request.
- Name
- Shows the name of the person who submitted the process request.
- Phone
- Shows the phone number of the person who submitted the process request.
- Shows the e-mail address of the person who submitted the process request.
- Process Request Details
- Description
- Type or view the description of the purpose of the request. The description should include the purpose of the request.
- Priority
- Specify or view the priority you want given to this request. The Priority indicates the severity of the request and is used to determine the order in which the requests should be worked. Enter a value between 1 and 4, or click the Select Value icon to specify the priority.
- Process Manager Type
- Specify the name of the process manager that is or will be handling the request. Click the Select Value icon to select the process manager type. This field is required.
- Site
- The site identifies the location where the request will be handled. This field is automatically populated if a site is associated with the user who is logged on. Click the Select Value icon to specify the site, if it is not already populated. The field is required.
- Requested Completion
- Specify the date you want the request to be completed. Click the Select Date and Time icon to specify the date, and click OK.
- Details
- Type a detailed description of the request.
- Request Classification Details
- Classification
- Classifications are used to structure records into organized hierarchies. Click the Detail Menu icon, and then click Classify to specify the classification for the request.
- Class
- Shows the description of the classification chosen for the request. This field is automatically populated if the chosen classification has a description.
- Classification Attributes table
- Attributes are the classification variables defined when the classification
was created. There may be zero or more classification variables associated
with the classification and displayed in the table. The classification
attributes table contains the following columns:
- Attributes
- Shows the name of the classification variable.
- Description
- Shows the description of the classification attribute.
- Data Type
- Shows the type of data allowed for the attribute. The data type determines which value you have to set. Valid values are TABLE, ALN, AND NUMERIC.
- Alphanumeric Value
- Type the value for the ALN variable.
- Numeric Value
- Type the numeric value for the NUMERIC variable.
- Table Value
- Type the value for the TABLE variable.
- Unit of Measure
- Specify the unit of measure for the attribute by clicking the Select Value icon to select the unit of value.
- Section
- You can break attributes into sections. Sections are groupings of attributes, allowing the same attribute to be used multiple times.
- New Row
- Click New Row to add a new attribute to the classification.
- Target CIs
- Target CIs are used to identify the configuration items (CIs)
that are affected by the request. You can specify either assets or
CIs associated with the process request. The Target CIs table
contains the following columns:
- Asset
- Shows the name of the target asset associated with the process request.
- Location
- Shows the location of the target asset.
- Configuration Item
- Shows the name of the target CI associated with the process request.
- Target Description
- Shows the description of the targeted CI.
- Sequence
- Shows the order of the CIs and attributes.
- Site
- Shows the site on which the target asset or CI is located.
- Select
- Click to select additional assets and CIs to associate with the process request.
- Clear All
- Click to remove all assets and CIs from the Target CI table.
- New Row
- Click to add additional target assets and CIs to the process request.
- Submit
- Submit.
Related records tab
- Related Tickets
- Select Ticket
- Click the Select Ticket button to associate additional tickets to the one you are creating or viewing.
- New Row
- Associate additional tickets to the current record by clicking the New Row button. Click the Detailed Menu icon and then the Select Value icon to select the related ticket.
- Related Work Orders
- Select Work Order
- Click the Select Work Order button to associate related work orders to the one you are creating or viewing. When the Select Work Order window is displayed, select the related work order, and click OK.
- New Row
- Associate additional work orders to the current record by clicking the New Row button. Click the Detailed Menu icon , and then click the Select Value icon to select the related work order.
- Solutions
Log tab
- Work log
- The work log is used to record work-related information about a ticket or work order. For example, you can record telephone conversations, work performed, and observations. You can create an entry in the work log using the New Row button on the Work Log tab. When you create a work log entry, you must specify a Type which can be Client Note, Update, or Work. You can check the Viewable? check box to make the entry visible to individuals that are associated with the record.
- Communication log
- The communication log is used to maintain a record of e-mail communications created from the record by the Create Communication action. The communications log shows outbound messages sent between service desk agents and customers. Entries in the Communication Log tab are read-only. The entries are automatically created when you use the Create Communication action to create an e-mail message.
- Approval log
- The Approval log tab contains a list of
workflow approval tasks that have been completed for work orders related
to the process request. The entries in the table are read-only. The Approval
log table contains the following columns:
- Summary
- Shows the description of the workflow task.
- Decision
- Shows whether the decision was made to accept or reject the request.
- Process
- Shows the workflow process name that was active for the approval task.
- Person
- Shows the name of the person who made the decision to accept or reject the request.
- Transaction Data
- Shows additional information about the approval task.
Service Address tab
Use this tab to view or add service address information for the record and to view information about an associated customer, customer agreement, price schedule, and billing status. You can set up a service address for a record in the Service Address application. A service address might also be automatically applied to a record if the CI, location, or asset associated with the record has a service address defined. A record must have a service address in order for a map to be displayed for the record in the Map tab.
Map tab
Use this tab to view a map showing the location of the change. A map is provided only if your administrator has enabled a map service for your installation. The map shows the location of the service address. Right-click the pin icon on the map to view details about the record. If the address is close but not quite right, you might be able to correct it by clicking Find Location. For more information about mapping change records, see "Using maps."