Configuring an electronic signature for a task node

For some applications, you can require an electronic signature for tasks when you create workflow assignments.

About this task

To require an electronic signature for a specific workflow assignment, in the Workflow Application modify the task node of the workflow to specify that an electronic signature is needed for that task in the workflow.

Note: To use electronic signatures, you must enable login tracking. With login tracking, you specify the number of permitted user login attempts. When the number is exceeded, any further login attempts are blocked. Login tracking also tracks the number of login attempts for a user and the login status of a user. For information about login tracking, see Enabling login tracking.


  1. Go to System Configuration > Platform Configuration > Workflow Designer.
  2. Select the process for which you want to an require electronic signature.
  3. From the Common Actions menu, select Create Process Revision.
  4. On the Canvas tab for the process that you selected, right-click the task node for which you want to require an electronic signature and select Properties.
  5. In the Task Node Properties window, select the Esig Required check box.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Save the revision.
