Adding toolbar buttons for active workflow processes
If multiple active processes exist for an object, you can use a single toolbar button for all active workflow processes.
About this task
- In the Workflow Designer or Workflow Designer (Advanced) application, select a process record.
- Click the Edit Workflow GO Buttons action.
- Click New Row.
- In the Application field, specify a value.
- In the Process Name field, specify a value.
- In the Sequence field, specify a value to indicate the order of the Go Buttons.
- In the Description field, type a description.
- In the Toolbar Icon field, type the name of the graphic file to use for the toolbar icon. For example, nav_icon_route.gif.
- In the Active Icon field, type the path and name of the graphic file to use for the toolbar icon when the process is active. For example, nav_icon_route_active.gif.
- Click OK, and click Save Process.