Adding toolbar buttons for active workflow processes

If multiple active processes exist for an object, you can use a single toolbar button for all active workflow processes.

About this task

The Start Workflow window displays a menu of active processes from which to select. You can also add your own toolbar buttons for different active processes. Note that if you exceed the number of icons that can fit on the toolbar, an arrow displays to indicate that a menu of options exists.


  1. In the Workflow Designer or Workflow Designer (Advanced) application, select a process record.
  2. Click the Edit Workflow GO Buttons action.
  3. Click New Row.
  4. In the Application field, specify a value.
  5. In the Process Name field, specify a value.
  6. In the Sequence field, specify a value to indicate the order of the Go Buttons.
  7. In the Description field, type a description.
  8. In the Toolbar Icon field, type the name of the graphic file to use for the toolbar icon. For example, nav_icon_route.gif.
  9. In the Active Icon field, type the path and name of the graphic file to use for the toolbar icon when the process is active. For example, nav_icon_route_active.gif.
  10. Click OK, and click Save Process.
