Sample work order workflows
You can use the sample work order workflows to get a list of applications, and start/stop these applications on the WebSphere® Application Server.
Workflows are used to help investigate and resolve an incident. The Work Order Tracking application shows the active workflows that an incident can be routed through. The workflows are interactive.
To start a workflow, select the
route workflow icon from the work order. From the Process list
select the workflow:description, and the select OK.
The sample work order workflows provided are:
- This workflow process gets a list of applications running on the WebSphere Application Server, and their status.
- This workflow process starts an application on the WebSphere Application Server.
- This workflow process stops an application on the WebSphere Application Server.
The workflows use the Configuration Item (CI) specified in the Work Order – RBA_PAYROLL (Payroll Application). The results from the command are displayed in a Results dialog. The results are also captured permanently in a work log record associated with the Work Order. To view the work log records for a Work Order, open the Work Order, and select the Log tab.
Before working with the sample work order workflows, the following adjustments are required:
- The SSHWO end point is used to maintain the username and password information needed to connect to the WebSphere Application Server. The assumption for these workflows is that all of the managed servers share common SSHWO credentials. The hostname used to connect to the server is obtained from the configuration item defined in the work order. The hostname attribute in the end point is ignored, if defined.
within the Payroll Application. These are required for the successful
connection to the WebSphere Application Server.
- PAYROLL_HOSTNAME (Host name or IP address to Payroll Application).
This attribute is read from 'Multiple Assets, Locations and CIs' section
of the 'Restart Payroll Application' work order. Note: if multiple Cis exist in this section the script will only take the PAYROLL_HOSTNAME from the first CI.
- PAYROLL_PORT (Port to Payroll Application). This attribute is read from configuration item RBA_PAYROLL (Payroll Application) assigned to the 'Restart Payroll Application' work order.
- PAYROLL_APP (Payroll Application). This attribute is located in the Specifications of 'Restart Payroll Application' work order
- PAYROLL_HOSTNAME (Host name or IP address to Payroll Application).
This attribute is read from 'Multiple Assets, Locations and CIs' section
of the 'Restart Payroll Application' work order.
- Enable remote access to the hostname specified in the installed
work order RBA_WO01 - specified in Configuration Item RBA_PAYROLL,
For more information on SSL certificates and key management, see the Enabling remote access to your servers topic in the WebSphere Portal for z/OS information center:
The 'Run Book Automation PAK – Security Groups & Start Centers' content package is available for installation via GoTo > System Configuration > ISM Content Installer application. This will provide security groups and corresponding start centers relating to Run Book Automation that will provide you with quick access to the tools that you most often need when planning, designing, building, testing, implementing, and managing workflow processes, as well as automating workflow processes.