New in usability in IBM Control Desk 7.6

Changes to the user interface make completing tasks easier.

Hover over a field to see related information without having to leave the record

Hover windows are enabled on some fields so that you can hover over the field and see information about the record that is specified in the field. For example, you can hover over the Asset field in a work order to see the status of the asset. Learn more about hover windows

Buttons next to text boxes provide quick access to the actions you frequently use

You can add the buttons for the menu items that are most frequently used. Adding buttons next to fields means that it takes fewer clicks to get to the actions you require to complete your tasks. Learn more about adding buttons next to text boxes

View related information for a record in a Result Set Portlet

You can now view information that is related to the main record of the result set. For example, you can now display the first and last name of the owner of an incident, instead of only the User ID which may not be useful. Learn more about related information in Result Set Portlet

Edit mode ensures that no one else can edit a record while you are making changes

When you want to modify a record, you put it in edit mode so that other users can view the record, but cannot change it. Edit mode reduces refetch errors that occur when two users edit a record in the same application at the same time. Records are released from edit mode if you use the Go To menu, return to the List tab, page through a record, or log out. Saving the record, clicking a link to another application, or closing your browser without logging out do not release the record from edit mode. If records are inadvertently left in edit mode, your administrator can release the records in the new Record Release application. Applications where you can enable edit mode include the ticket-based applications such as Incidents and Service Requests, the Changes application, and the Activities and Tasks application. Learn more about edit mode
