What is new in IBM Control Desk Fix Pack

Fix Pack provides product enhancements for the standard IBM® Control Desk and updates for performance improvement.

The following enhancements are provided in Fix Pack

Ability for on-premises customers to install Control Desk Service Portal in their local environments
In previous releases the Service Portal user interface was available only in the IBM Cloud. With this release customers can install Service Portal in their local environments. While Control Desk can be installed on various platforms, currently Service Portal must be installed on Red Hat Linux.
Enhancements for impact analysis features that assess how proposed changes to configuration items (CIs) might affect your enterprise
In previous releases, the results of impact analysis for changes to CIs contained all identified CI impacts. However, many of the results that were reported were not relevant. Reporting all results makes it harder to find the high value CIs that are affected. This release enables users to display only high value CIs in the results that are reported. This makes it easier to see the CIs changes that affect the business and to make better decisions about scheduling and risk. By default, this feature is enabled, and only the key CIs are reported. Administrators can enable or disable this new feature with the pmchgia.filter.impacted.cis system property.

A Show in Impact Analysis Results check box is added to the Classifications application to indicate which CI classifications to include in impact analysis results. When filtering is enabled, the impact analysis results contains only high value CIs. Restricting the types of CIs that are reported in the results does not affect the types of CIs that the engine analyzes. All CIs are traversed and all impacts are identified. This feature affects only the list of impacted CIs that is reported and stored.

In previous releases, result of an impact analysis execution were merged with an existing results report. With this release, results from a previous analysis are replaced by the results of the current execution. Administrators can return to the original merge behavior by enabling the pmchgia.merge.impacted.cis system property.

This release includes performance enhancements, including the ability to use a multi-threaded design that analyzes multiple CI relationships at the same time. The number of threads to process is controlled by the pmcom.TraversalMaxThreads system property.

A warning dialog box is added to inform users that performing an impact analysis calculation can take a bit of time. A pmchgia.show.warning system property is provided to control whether the dialog box is shown.

For more information, see the following topics:
Lucene search enhancements
You can configure the search.properties file to customize search fields for indexing and increasing or decreasing the field size. Additionally, fuzzy searches are now supported.
Enhancements for Integration Composer
Fix Pack provides support for the IBM Tivoli® Application Dependency Discovery Manager simplified data model. For more information about the simplified model, see Simplified model in Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager documentation in IBM Knowledge Center.
Changes that are provided by Tivoli's process automation engine version
Control Desk includes updates that are provided by Tivoli's process automation engine version For information about that version, see Maximo and Base Services Fixpack & Interim Fix Readme Files for 7.6.0 Releases.
