New in Key Performance Indicators

New applications and features are added to Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that make completing tasks easier for both the administrator and user.

Streamline the creation and maintenance of individual KPIs

Targeting KPIs with multiple variations, the new KPI Template application uses a single KPI SQL statement with a number of variables to allow administrators to seamlessly generate multiple individual KPIs. Learn more about the new KPI Template application

View and collaborate on KPIs outside of the Start Center

The new KPI Viewer application provides users access to KPIs outside of the Start Center. The application is accessed from the new Analytics module, and users can see a listing of KPIs that are affected by their business activities. Users can see the status of the metric, with historical trending. Additionally, communication logs are available so users can collaborate in the tracking and logging actions that are taken to improve the status of a KPI. Learn more about the new KPI Viewer application

Manage KPIs easier

Multiple new features are added to the KPI Manager application including the ability to schedule individual KPIs and a new cron task to manage your KPI historical records. You can also set security privileges on individual KPIs to restrict user access in the new KPI Viewer application. A long description field is now available where you can provide details on how a KPI is calculated and why it is important to the organization. Learn more about the enhancements to the KPI Manager application
