Maximo Management Interface
Maximo® Management Interface (MMI) is a set of REST APIs that enable HTTP-based clients to access information that is related to the current state of a Maximo deployment.
The state of a Maximo deployment can consist of the following items:
- The Maximo server processes that are part of the deployment, potentially in a multi-clustered setup.
- Information about resources, such as the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), memory, operating system, application server, JVM threads, database connection pool, class or classloader, Maximo business object (MBO) count, event topic tree, JMS Queue connectivity, or cache information.
You can access additional information about some of the resources through their linked resources.
MMI uses JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) as the data format for representing the collected state information. All MMI requests are HTTP GET requests and MMI request handlers are not intended to modify the state of the system. MMI uses a software bus that is based on the RMI to interconnect between the servers that are part of a Maximo deployment. This bus helps MMI to collect information from any live Maximo server.
MMI APIs are designed to represent the hierarchical nature of the information that is gathered from the deployment. Each Maximo deployment has member servers and each server has some associated state information that might provide further information. Such hierarchical nature is represented by providing hyper links from each resource (information) document to help navigate the API consumer to their desired information.