View CI Schedule of Change

Use the View CI Schedule of Change dialog to view scheduled implementation tasks for configuration items (CIs).

Implementation tasks are the tasks required to make changes to a configuration item. An administrator identifies and schedules implementation tasks as part of a change management process. Viewing scheduled CI changes helps you assess the impact of a change request that you might be considering in order to resolve a ticket. For example, the change you are considering might already be scheduled, or might conflict or overlap in some way with an already scheduled change.

An implementation task can affect both the CI to be changed (the target CI) and other CIs that are related to the target CI. The related CIs are called impacted CIs. The View CI Schedule of Change dialog provides information for both target and impacted CIs.

The View CI Schedule of Change dialog contains two tabs from which you can view scheduled implementation tasks:

To view scheduled tasks on the Change Schedule tab:

  1. On the current ticket record, enter a value in a Configuration Item field or click Detail Menu Detail Menu icon > Select Value to select a value.
  2. Click Detail Menu Detail Menu icon next to the Configuration Item field and then select View CI Schedule of Change.
  3. Select the Change Schedule tab.
  4. Specify the start and end times and click Search. The dialog displays the results in the following sub-tabs:
    Tasks sub-tab
    Displays a read-only table with a row for each implementation task whose schedule falls at least partly within the specified time window.
    Target CIs sub-tab
    Displays a read-only table with a row for each target CI of the tasks listed in the Tasks sub-tab. Click the Show Change Window Conflicts button to view the list of CIs for which tasks are scheduled outside their defined change windows.
    Additional Impacted CIs sub-tab
    Displays a read-only table with a row for each impacted CI of the tasks listed in the Tasks sub-tab. Click the Show Change Window Conflicts button to view the list of CIs for which tasks are scheduled outside their defined change windows.

    In each sub-tab, you can click fields that appear as links to find more details.

To view scheduled tasks on the CI View tab:

  1. On the current ticket record, enter a value in a Configuration Item field or click Detail Menu Detail Menu icon > Select Value to select a value.
  2. Click the detail menu Detail Menu icon next to the Configuration Item field and then select View CI Schedule of Change.
  3. Select the CI View tab.
  4. Specify the start and end times and click Search. The dialog displays the results in the following sub-tabs:
    Tasks Targeting sub-tab
    Displays a read-only table with a row for each task whose schedule overlaps the specified start and end times and for which this CI is a target. Click the Show Change Window Conflicts button to view the list of CIs for which tasks are scheduled outside their defined change windows.
    Tasks Impacting sub-tab
    Displays a read-only table with a row for each task whose schedule overlaps the specified start and end times and by which this CI is impacted. Click the Show Change Window Conflicts button to view the list of CIs for which tasks are scheduled outside their defined change windows.

    In each sub-tab, you can click fields that appear as links to find more details.
