Enabling or disabling the New Incident and New Service Request dialogs

When a user selects the New Incident action in the Incidents application or the New Service Request action in the Service Requests application, a dialog can be displayed in which to enter basic information for the new record. After the information is submitted, the record is saved. You can modify system properties to specify whether these dialogs are displayed.

About this task

If the New Incident or New Service Request dialog is used, the user enters a range of basic information about the new record. After the information is supplied in the dialog and submitted to the database, the Incident or Service Request tab opens; the record can be augmented with additional information at that time, or at a later time.

By default, upgrading customers have the these new record dialogs disabled; new customers have the dialogs enabled. Depending on whether you want users to be able to create and save a new Incident or Service Request records in this streamlined way, you can modify the pminc.incident.usecreatedialog system property for the Incidents application, and the pmsrv.servicerequest.usecreatedialog system property for the Service Requests application. For complete details and instructions, see "Enabling or disabling new record dialogs."
