Removing the global flag

A global record captures information about an issue affecting many people. If you have marked an incident or a problem as global, you can remove the global designation, or flag.

About this task

The Is Global Issue? check box on an incident or a problem indicates that the ticket is a global record. You can remove the global flag on a record only after you remove the identifier for that record from all records that have been related to it as a global record.


  1. Display the ticket from which you want to remove the global flag.
  2. Open the Related Records tab to view the list of related records in the Related Tickets table window. Those records related to the global record have the value RELATEDTOGL in the Relationship field.
  3. Follow these steps for each record that has RELATEDTOGL in the Relationship field:
    1. Click the detail menu Detail Menu icon. Select Go To and go to the application that manages that type of record.
    2. Clear the value in the Related to Global ID field.
    3. Click Save.
  4. After you have removed the relationship from all relevant records, display the global record again. Clear the Is Global Issue? check box.
  5. When the ticket is no longer specified as a global record it is represented by the No Global Issue icon icon.
  6. Click Save.
