Enter Meter Readings

Enter meter readings for an asset or location on a ticket record.

Before you begin

Before you can enter a meter reading for an asset or location, you must associate a meter with the asset or location specified in the ticket.

About this task

Use the Assets application to associate a meter with an asset. Use the Locations application to associate a meter with a location. Click Detail Menu next to the Assets or Locations field on the ticket record to go to the Assets or Locations application. Follow the instructions in the Assets or Locations help to add a meter to an asset or location.

You can enter meter readings for the asset or location listed in the Details section of the record and for any asset or location listed in the Multiple Assets, Locations, and CIs section.

To enter meter readings:


  1. Next to the Asset field, click Detail Menu Detail Menu icon > Meter Reading.
    The Enter Meter Readings dialog box is displayed.
    • All meters associated with the asset are listed on the Asset Meter Readings tab.
    • All meters associated with the location of the asset are listed on the Location Meter Readings tab.
  2. To enter a reading for a meter, enter a value in the New Reading field for that meter, or click Select Value Select Value icon to select a reading.

    The system enters the system date and time in the New Reading Date field and the user name of the logged-in user in the Inspector field. You can change the value in either of these fields.

  3. If you are entering a delta reading, select the Delta check box.

    If the meter was set up as a delta reading type, the check box is selected by default. If you are entering an actual reading that is a rollover reading, select the Rollover?check box. In a rollover reading, the value for the new reading is less than the value of the previous reading (shown in the Last Reading field) due to a rollover.

  4. Enter any comments about the reading in the Remarks field.
  5. Click OK to enter the reading and return to the record.
