Tracking the progress of a Ticket

The progress of a Ticket is indicated in two ways: by the Progress Map, a row of nodes in the Progress Map section of the Incidents, Problems and Service Requests application views; and by the value in the Status field. In the Progress Map, the highlighted node represents the step that is currently underway.

You can manually change the Status value by selecting the Change Status action. The Progress Map is also updated to reflect the new status.

By default, the sequence of steps in the Progress Map is determined by system properties. You can redefine the sequence of steps in these system properties to globally change the sequence of steps that is displayed in the Progress Map.

Status values are contained in the SRSTATUS, INCIDENTSTATUS and PROBLEMSTATUS domains (for Service Requests, Incidents and Problems respectively). To see the statuses that are used, go to the Domains application (Go To > System Configuration > Platform Configuration > Domains), type SRSTATUS, INCIDENTSTATUS or PROBLEMSTATUS in the Domain field, and press Enter. The values in these domains are used to populate the Progress Map.
