Hiding the CI Link Results (SP) application

The Service Provider edition of this product lists two CI Link Results applications in the Go To menu: CI Link Results, and CI Link Results (SP). The CI Link Results application is the version that should be used. Use this task to hide the (SP) version of the application.

About this task

You use security permissions to hide the (SP) version of the CI Link Results application. You specify which security group or groups will see only the non-Service Provider version.


Perform these steps to hide the CI Link Results (SP) application from specified security groups:

  1. Go to the Security Groups application (Go To > Security > Security Groups).
  2. Select a group from which you want to hide the SP version of the application.
  3. Open the Applications tab, search for CI Link Results (SP), and select the application.
  4. Select Revoke Listed ApplicationsAll Above, save the security group record, and repeat the steps for all of the security groups from which you want to hide the application.
