Defining customer objects to determine access

In a multiple-customer environment, the data that is restricted is determined by customer objects. These objects contain conditions that specify access to customer-level information. You can use the default set of customer objects without modification if these objects meet your needs. You can change the restrictions that are specified by these objects, and you can create your own customer objects.

About this task

In order to load and use the default customer objects that are supplied by this product, you must first go to the Customer Objects application (Security > Customer Objects). In the Customer Objects application, select the Create Default Objects action.

You can examine the list of default customer objects and conditions that are provided with this product. Click the name of an object to view the restriction conditions that are defined for that object. You can also modify and add customer objects.

Use the online help for this application (Help in the upper right corner) to change restriction conditions for any of the default objects, create new objects, and otherwise modify the customer objects as needed.

Note: Only main objects are accessible by the Customer Objects application. These are objects that have the Main Objects option checked in the Database Administration application. As an administrator, the only time that you will access the Customer Objects application to create a new object is when you are adding a new database table to the system and want to link that new table to a customer.
