Setting up customer locations
You can associate a customer with a location or group of locations. A location can be associated with many customers, but only one of these customers can be the primary customer. A location is used to identify its primary customer in process records.
About this task
To set up customer locations, go to the Locations application (Help in the upper right corner) as you set up customer locations.
). Consult the online help for this application (Use these guidelines for setting up customer locations:
- On the Locations tab, you can associate one or more customers with a location. One of those customers must be the primary customer for this location.
- If you want to associate a customer with a group of locations, you can click Advanced Search and create a list of locations that are in a given hierarchy. You can then select the Associate Customer action to associate a customer with the group of locations.
- When you assign a customer to a group of locations, the customer becomes the primary customer for the first location listed in the group, if no primary customer already exists for that location. If a primary customer exists for the first location, the customer becomes the primary customer for the second location, and so on. The locations for which the customer is not primary are secondary locations for that customer.