Adding a cart template to the cart

In the Shopping Cart application, you can add items specified in a cart template(s) to the shopping cart and select the user(s) for whom the items are being ordered.

Before you begin

About this task

If at least one cart template has been created, a new button, Add Template to Cart, appears on the Shopping Cart application. Clicking the Add Template to Cart allows you to add the offerings in the cart template to the shopping cart for selected user(s). Offerings in the cart template will be added to the shopping cart for each user that you select. For example, if the cart template contains 4 offerings, and you select 2 users, the cart will contain 8 offerings.

Note: If an offering in a cart template has been updated since it was added to the cart template, a warning message displays when you click Add Template to Cart. You should check the offering attributes, and update your template with the latest offering, if required. Similarly, offerings in a cart template that do not have a status of Active are not added to the cart. A message displays when you click Add Template to Cart if an offering in the cart template is not Active.


  1. In the Offering Catalog or Self Service Center application, click on the cart to go to the Shopping Cart application. If at least one cart template exists, you will see an Add Template to Cart button.
  2. Click Add Template to Cart, and select the template you wish to add by clicking the name of the template.
  3. Select Requested For User(s) from the list by checking the checkbox next to the user(s) for whom you are placing the order.
  4. Click OK to return to your Shopping Cart. The contents of the cart template have been added to the cart.
  5. Review the contents of your cart.
