Enabling the My Resources navigator

Control Desk and higher add a My Resources navigator in the Self Service Center. By default, My Resources is disabled in the user interface.

About this task

In order for users to access the My Resources navigator in the Self Service Center, you modify the appropriate security group.

The My Resources navigator is a superset of the My Assets pod. Therefore, when you enable My Resources, you might want to disable the My Assets pod. This step is covered in the procedure.


  1. Go to Security > Security Groups.
  2. Locate the group that you want to allow access to My Resources.
  3. Go to the Applications tab.
  4. In the Applications section, expand Filter and search for Self Service Center in the Description field.
  5. In the Options for Self Service Center section, expand Filter in the second table, and search for Show Self Service Center in the Description field.
  6. Locate Show Self Service Center My Resources link and select the Grant Access check box next to it.
  7. If you want to disable the My Assets pod, locate Show Self Service Center My Assets pod and clear the Grant Access check box next to it.
  8. Save the record.
  9. Log out, and then log back in for the My Resources navigator to display in the user interface.
    Note: You might be required to also clear your browser history or cache.
  10. Go to Self Service > Self Service Center. The My Resources navigator should appear on the home page.
