Configuring the My Requests and My Incidents pods
The My Requests and My Incidents pods can be configured by an administrator to add additional columns, change the default number of rows to display, or change the refresh rate.
About this task
The My Incidents pod is disabled by default. To enable, set the value of system property pmcom.ticket.enable.myIncidentsInSelfService to "1".
By default the data displayed in the My Requests and My Incidents pods is refreshed every 60000 milliseconds. You can change this rate by editing the RequestsAutoRefresh parameter in the file.
By default the number of rows, or items, displayed in the My Requests and My Incidents pods is 15. You can change the number of rows by modifying the MyRequestsGridRows parameter in the file. The default number of rows works best at lower screen resolutions You may want to increase the number of rows to 20 for higher resolutions.
You can also configure the columns that appear in the table. This is done using the XML presentation definition.
Further configuration parameters are held in srmssctr.xml that are used to configure the types of service request that are retrieved from the server and the dialog that is used to display them. In general, these parameters are for advanced use and the default values should not be changed:
Parameter | Default value | Description |
osname | SRM_SR | Object structure name |
filterdomain | SRM_SRUSRLIST | Filtering domain name |
ticket_object | SR | Ticket object to display |
viewdialog | srmssviewsr | Name of dialog used to display the service requests |
label | My Requests | Pod label |
Parameter | Default value | Description |
osname | SRM_INCIDENTS | Object structure name |
filterdomain | SSC_INCLIST | Filtering domain name |
ticket_object | INCIDENT | Ticket object to display |
viewdialog | scmssviewincident | Name of dialog used to display the service requests |
label | My Incidents | Pod label |