Configuring security groups for express or advanced Changes view

Use this task to configure security groups to provide access to the express or advanced view of the Changes application. You can also assign access to asset management fields in either view. Express application views provide a simplified, streamlined set of fields and specifications; advanced views contain more detailed options that are appropriate for expert users.

About this task

To assign a security group to the simplified or expert view of the Changes application, with or without asset management options, complete the following steps.


  1. Go to the Security Groups application (Go To > Security > Security Groups).
  2. In the Group field, type the first few letters of the security group that you want to work with, and press Enter. For example, type sda if you want to open a group that begins with those letters, such as SDADESKADMIN.

    After you press Enter, a list of all of the matching groups is displayed.

  3. Click the name of the group that you want to work with to open that group.
  4. On the Applications tab, locate the Changes application:
    1. Open the filter in the Applications table.
    2. In the Description field, type Changes, and press Enter.
    3. Click Changes to display options for assigning access rights for this application.
  5. Open the filter in the lower Options table. This table shows a list of detailed application rights; it is below the top Options table, which lists the main application rights.
  6. In the Description field, type show, and press Enter.

    Notice that Show advanced-level process features and Show asset management features are listed in the table.

  7. Depending on the view you want for this group, do one of the following:
    To assign the group to this view... Check and un-check the options as follows:
    Simplified (express) view with asset management features
    • Check Show asset management features
    • Un-check Show advanced-level process features
    Simplified (express) view without asset management features
    • Un-check both options
    Advanced (expert) view with asset management features
    • Check both options
    Advanced (expert) view without asset management features
    • Check Show advanced-level process features
    • Un-check Show asset management features
  8. Repeat the previous steps for each of the security groups whose view of the Changes application you want to control.
  9. Click save to save your changes. The Save icon is grayed out if you have not made changes.
