Security privileges control user access to modules, applications,
menu options, and data. All security access is based on security groups.
About this task
If your implementation uses an application server
to authenticate with a directory, groups might be created in the directory
and synchronized into the system.
- In the Security Groups application, click New
- Specify a name for the group.
- Optional: Provide a group description and a
name of the start center that displays when a user in the group logs
in. Users also can customize their start centers or choose
a default start center when they belong to groups with different start
- Optional: If you do not want rights combined,
select the Independent of Other Groups check
box. By default, rights are merged when groups that include
different sites are combined.
- Optional: Specify a default application
for the security group.
Note: Users can specify a preferred default
application in their user profile. If a user does not specify a default
application, the application specified for their security group displays
when user logs on to the system or the system default application
displays. If a user is assigned to multiple security groups where
default applications are specified, the system opens the Start Center.
If no default settings are specified, the system default application
displays. Users with only one Default Application defined for their
security group are automatically taken to that application at login.
- Save the group.
Privileges or restrictions are not defined for the new security
What to do next
You can use functions in the Security Groups application
to define the security for the group. You can add users in the Security
Groups application or the Users application.