Using security groups to control access to application views

This product provides new security groups that enable you to control whether users access the express or advanced versions of the Changes applications: SDADESKAGENT, SDAPROCESSAGENT, SDAPROCESSASSET, and SDAAGENT. The SDAPROCESSADMIN group enables access to administrative applications.

These security groups are contained in the optionally installed content packs. The following table shows how you can control the views using security groups:

Users in this security group... have access to these and other related applications
  • Service Requests application
  • Incidents application
  • express Changes application
  • express Change applications
  • Configuration Management applications
  • Release applications
  • Service Requests and Incidents applications
  • Problems application
  • Service Requests application
  • Incidents application
  • advanced Changes application
SDAPROCESSASSET Advanced Changes application that includes asset management features. This group only adds some rights to the Changes applications. Normally you would not put a user in this security group only. Instead, you would add a user to this group in addition to one or more other Change Management security groups to enable the asset management features in the Change applications.
SDAPROCESSADMIN Enables access to administrative applications such as Workflow, Application Designer, and Security Groups
PMCHANGE* All of the security groups with the PMCHANGE prefix enable access to the advanced change management features of the Changes application. These security groups also enable access to advanced change management applications such as Change Window Calendars, Blackout Periods, and Impact Analysis Configuration.
