Gantt view legend

The Graphical Scheduling application shows work record information in different colors in the Gantt view based on certain values.

Explanation of colors in the Gantt view

The following tables indicate what each color represents in the Graphical Scheduling application. You can modify the color definitions in the file.

Work records

The color of your work records can reflect their status or their work priority. By default, they reflect work record status. The following colors represent work record status in the Gantt chart.

Color Work record status
blue block
light blue block
Gray block

If you want the color of your work records to reflect their work priority, you can set the parameter usestatuscolors=true in the file. The work records are then color-coded by priority and not status.

The following colors represent work record priority in the Gantt chart.

Color Work record priority
blue block
1 - 5
light blue block
6 - 10

The following visual elements indicate date constraint violations in the Gantt chart.

Visual element Date constraint violations
- - - - - (dashed line) Indicates date constraints on the work record.
red block
Indicates that the scheduled start and finish times of the selected task are in the resource constraint violation area (the shaded region) of the linear calendar. If you slide the task bar to a non-shaded region, the background color changes to blue.

Modifying color settings

The values in the file determine what each color represents in the Gantt view. You can modify the default settings by editing the values in the file. Follow the instructions in the file to change your settings. You must rebuild and redeploy for changes to take effect.
