When updateTool is invoked, it will complete a number of tasks.
These tasks are:
- Perform validation on the .xml and properties file specified on the command line
- Process the list of offerings specified in the properties file
- Process the list of classifications specified in the properties file
- Process the list of job plans specified in the properties file
- Process the list of ticket templates specified in the properties file
- Process the list of userids specified in the properties file, setting the default insert site to the value specified for siteid
- Process the list of wpeditstatus values, adding them to the wpeditsettings table if they do not exist
- Insert any required autokey and maxvar entries that are missing
Detailed descriptions of each of these tasks are provided in the sections below.
The tool will read the values
from the properties file specified by the input parameter and
complete the following validations:
- Check for ORGID value
- Check for SITEID value
- Check for SETID value
- Check for VENDORID valueNote: The values above must be related among them.
- Check to see if there is a value specified for one of the following
- Check the Maximo database to ensure that the organization, site, set, and vendor specified are valid objects
The tool will also parse the .xml file specified by the objectStructure parameter to ensure that it is well-formed.
When one or more services are specified
in the properties file, the tool will perform the following actions:
- Update service offering tables
- Update catalogs that include this offering
When one or more classifications
are specified in the properties file, the tool will perform the following
- Update the classifications and classstructure objects
Job plans
When one or more Job Plans are
specified in the properties file, the tool performs the following
- Update the job plans
- Update the job tasks associated with the job plans
The tool automatically searches for the required autokey and maxvar values and inserts them for the new organization and site specified based on default objects loading during updatedb.
Limit groups
When one or more
limit groups are specified in the properties file, the tool will perform
the following actions:
- Update the LimitTolerance object
User IDs
When one or more user
IDs are specified in the properties file, the tool will perform the
following actions:
- Update the MaxUser object
Work type
When one or more work
types are specified in the properties file, the tool will perform
the following actions:
- Update the WorkType object
Ticket templates
When one or more
ticket templates are specified in the properties file, the tool will perform
the following actions:
- Update the TKTemplate object
WP edit status
When one or more
WP edit statuses are specified in the properties file, the tool will perform
the following actions:
- Update the WPEditSetting object