Attribute name mapping

In the system database schema, the attribute names specified in the database tables for organization, set, site, and vendor are usually the same. In most cases, these attributes are named as ORGID\SETID\ITEMSETID\VENDOR.

However, it is possible to have an attribute name that does not conform to the standard naming convention. For example, in the PMSCCATDATA table, there are two attributes that contain ITEMSETID values: ITEMSETID and ITEMSETID1.  The tool is capable of handling this situation. The non-conforming attribute name is specified in the object structure (updateTool.xml) file.

Table 1. Object structure file
Element Sub-element Description
Objectstructure column, object This is root element
Column colName org/site/set/vendor column name in database  
Object Object tablename and where clause
You can specify one object inside another object, for example:
<object  tableName="table A"  whereClause="columnA in ( :SERVICES )">
     <object  tableName="table B"  whereClause="columnB =:columnA and 
            <object  tableName="table C"  whereClause="columnC =:columnC ">
For specifying different database attribute names, or if a table has two attributes to update (for example, for ITEMSET):
 <column attributeType="SETID">
