Configuring integration with TADDM 7.2.x

You can use the Definitive Media Library application to register software images imported from operational management products (OMPs) into the IBM® Tivoli® Application Dependency Discovery Manager (TADDM) database. As shipped, the release management component is configured to integrate with a TADDM 7.1.x server. You can perform a series of configuration steps to integrate with a TADDM 7.2.x server instead.

About this task

Note that you can disable the integration between the Definitive Media Library application and TADDM. (See "Disabling TADDM integration" for details.) If you disable this integration, you do not need to perform the configuration steps in this topic, even if you use launch in context and other product functions that rely on integration with TADDM.
The procedure for configuring release management to integrate with TADDM 7.2.x involves the following steps:
  1. Locating the TADDM 7.2.x API Client JARs and copy them to the administrative workstation
  2. Copying the TADDM 7.2.x API Client JARs to the product installation tree
  3. Removing the TADDM 7.1.x AP Client JARs from the product installation tree
  4. Modifying the RPM deployment XML file
  5. Rebuilding and redeploying the Maximo EAR file
Details for each of these steps are provided in the following sections.

Step 1. Locating and copying the TADDM 7.2.x API client JARs

Before you can perform this configuration, you must locate the appropriate level of the TADDM API Client JARs that are associated with the TADDM 7.2.x server that is installed in your environment. You must always use the TADDM API Client JARs that are distributed with the TADDM server that you have installed.

About this task

Perform these steps to locate the TADDM 7.2.x API client JARs and copy them to the administrative workstation:


  1. In the System Properties application (Go To > System Configuration > Platform Configuration > System Properties), click Filter, and type TADDM.ServerHostName in the Property Name field. Make note of the value of this property, which is the name of the TADDM server for which this product is configured.
  2. On the TADDM server computer that was identified by the TADDM.ServerHostName property, locate the TADDM API client JARs. These files are located in the taddm_home\dist\sdk\lib directory on the TADDM server, where taddm_home is the root directory of your TADDM installation.
  3. Copy the following two files from the taddm_home\dist\sdk\lib directory to a working directory on the Control Desk administrative workstation, such as C:\temp\taddm_72x_jars:
    • platform-model.jar
    • taddm-api-client.jar

What to do next

The rest of the steps in this configuration procedure are performed on the Control Desk administrative workstation.

Step 2. Copying TADDM 7.2.x API client JARs to the product installation tree

The second step in the procedure involves copying the TADDM 7.2.x API client JARs to the product installation tree.

About this task

Perform these steps to copy the JARs to the installation tree:


  1. On the Control Desk administrative workstation, create a new directory for the TADDM 7.2.x API client JARs; name this new directory product_home\maximo\applications\maximo\lib\taddm, where product_home is the root directory of your product installation.

    For example, if the root of your product installation is the Windows default of C:\ibm\smp, you would create a new directory named C:\ibm\smp\maximo\applications\maximo\lib\taddm.

  2. Copy the platform-model.jar and taddm-api-client.jar files from your working directory (for example, C:\temp\taddm_72x_jars) to the new product_home\maximo\applications\maximo\lib\taddm directory.

Step 3. Removing TADDM 7.1.x API client JARs

In order for the new TADDM configuration to work, you must remove the TADDM 7.1.x API client JARs from your product installation.

About this task

Perform these steps to remove the TADDM 7.1.x JARs:


  1. On the administrative workstation, go to the product_homemaximo\applications\maximo\lib directory.
  2. Remove each of the following JAR files:
    • product_home\maximo\applications\maximo\lib\api-client.jar
    • product_home\maximo\applications\maximo\lib\api-dep.jar
    • product_home\maximo\applications\maximo\lib\api-dl.jar
    • product_home\maximo\applications\maximo\lib\edm-server.jar
    • product_home\maximo\applications\maximo\lib\oal-api.jar
    • product_home\maximo\applications\maximo\lib\oal-common.jar
    • product_home\maximo\applications\maximo\lib\oal-topomgr.jar
    • product_home\maximo\applications\maximo\lib\platform-model.jar

Step 4. Modifying the release management deployment XML

In this step, you ensure that the deployment XML file includes the TADDM 7.2.x JAR file values for the maximo.businessobjectsclasspath property.

About this task

Perform these steps to include the JAR file property values:


  1. On the administrative workstation, locate the RPM Deployment XML definition, which is contained in the product_home\maximo\deployment\product\release.xml file.
  2. In this file, edit the maximo.businessobjectsclasspath property as follows:

    Edit these lines...

              <property name="maximo.businessobjectsclasspath"
              value="lib/icl.jar lib/BULKLOAD.jar lib/CLI.jar lib/COMMON.jar
              lib/DCS.jar lib/DIS.jar lib/METADATA.jar lib/NLS-LANG.jar
              lib/NLS.jar lib/NRS.jar"/>

    To the following (additions in bold):

              <property name="maximo.businessobjectsclasspath"
              value="lib/jdom.jar lib/taddm/platform-model.jar lib/taddm/taddm-
    lib/icl.jar lib/BULKLOAD.jar lib/CLI.jar
              lib/COMMON.jar lib/DCS.jar lib/DIS.jar lib/METADATA.jar
              lib/NLS-LANG.jar lib/NLS.jar lib/NRS.jar"/>

Step 5. Rebuilding and redeploying the Maximo EAR file

As a final step in the process of configuring release management to integrate with TADDM 7.2.x, rebuild and redeploy the Maximo EAR file.

About this task

For instructions for deploying the EAR file, see the "Advanced installation" topics in the Installing section for your operating system.
