Scheduling a release

Scheduling a release is a key part of the release planning process. When you set the schedule, you establish dates for the release, and for any tasks that you want to schedule at this time, in the Plans tab. Fields are provided for specifying start and finish times.

About this task

It is important that you schedule a release during a time slot that does not conflict with other scheduled releases. To do so, you can use the Forward Schedule of Releases report and the Master Release Calendar. Both of these views enable you to identify a time slot that is appropriate for the release that you are planning.

Master Release Calendar

The Master Release Calendar is displayed in the Start Centers of users who have authorization to plan releases. This calendar lists all of the releases that are scheduled and underway in the data center. For each release, the calendar displays the current progress value, the owner, and the scheduled start and finish dates. In addition, the owner group is provided if the release is owned by a group, and an Emergency column indicates whether a release is an emergency release.

About this task

You can click on the name of any release in the Master Release Calendar to obtain more information about the release. For scheduling purposes, you can assess the start and finish dates for the releases and identify a time slot that works for the release that you are planning. In addition, you can consult the Active Releases graph below the calendar for a graphical overview of active releases in the data center.

Forward Schedule of Releases

The Forward Schedule of Releases report also provides important information that can be used for scheduling a release. This report lists current and upcoming releases that are scheduled in your data center. For each release, a description is displayed, along with scheduled start and finish times. If a release has started or completed, the actual start and finish dates are provided as well.

About this task

Like the Master Release Calendar, the Forward Schedule of Releases report enables you to quickly assess the time windows that are currently being used or that are scheduled for releases. This information helps you identify an appropriate time window for scheduling the release that you are planning.
