Adding a new software image CI

When you add a new software image configuration item (CI) to the Configuration Management Database (CMDB), the new CI is also referenced in the DML repository that you are working with. Add a new CI when, for example, you have installed a software product in your environment and the software is not yet registered to the CMDB.

About this task

After you add a new software image CI to the CMDB and reference it in a repository, you can select the CI for a manual software distribution task. Choose this method of adding CIs only if you are working with a repository that is not associated with an operational management product (OMP).

A software image CI that is added using this task has the classification APP.SOFTWAREIMAGE. If you have not defined this CI classification, you must do so before you can add a CI in this dialog box. You can define the classification in the Classifications application, which is part of the Administration module. For more information, see the online help for the Classifications application.

To add a new CI to the list of software images:


  1. Type a description of the CI in the field beside the automatically assigned CI number.
  2. Type a version number, if this is appropriate.
  3. Click OK.
