Task classifications
When you create a task, you can apply a classification to the task. Classifications describe the overall purpose of a task. Task classifications are used in particular ways. In addition, a built-in set of classifications is provided for tasks that are commonly used in a release work plan.
- Tasks that require additional data. Many classifications bring additional data into a task. For example, a task with the classification "Import Software into DML" must include information about which Definitive Media Library (DML) repository will contain the software. The creator of a task can supply this additional information, or the task owner can do so.
- Tasks that are rolled up in the Process Details tab. The Process Details tab view consolidates information about all of the tasks having the Approval, Implementation, and Software Distribution classifications that have been defined for a Release. This view provides a convenient overview of the status and progress of these important types of tasks. A task is rolled up by the Process Details functionality only if you supply an Approval, Implementation, or Software Distribution classification.
Built-in release task classifications
The following table lists and describes the release task classifications that are supplied. When you create a task and enter the Classification value, these are the classifications that are displayed (in the shipped product) in the Classify list for Release. In the list, these classifications are grouped in the PMREL category. You can augment this list in any way that fits the need of your organization; use the Classifications application to do so.
Some of the classification descriptions refer to automated and assisted tasks. Automated and assisted tasks are described in the "Automated task workflows" and "Assisted task workflows" topics.
PMREL task classification | Description |
PMRELCPR Change Progress |
Use this classification for tasks that change the progress value of a release. These tasks can be automated to change the Progress field for a release and create a progress history record. See the "Automating a progress change" topic for more information. |
PMRELIMP Implementation |
Use this classification for an implementation task. An implementation task is any task that makes modifications to a configuration item (CI). When you assess the impact of a proposed release, you will identify the implementation tasks required to implement the release. The Change Implementation Schedule lists scheduled implementation tasks and checks whether these tasks fit into the change windows identified for the target CIs. |
RELDEFSW Define/Refine software |
Use this classification if the task instructs the task owner to define or refine a software package. The DSLNUM attribute is brought into the task, so that the Definitive Media Library (DML) repository in which the software CI resides can be referenced. A task with this classification uses an assisted workflow that launches the task owner to the main tab of the Definitive Media Library application. |
RELIMPSW Import software |
Use this classification for tasks that involve importing software image CIs into a DML repository. The DSLNUM attribute is brought into the task for specifying the DML repository into which the software is to be imported. An assisted workflow launches the task owner to the main tab of the Definitive Media Library application. |
REQADCTR Request to add Change to |
This task classification brings in a Specific release attribute. This attribute is specified as Y (if a specific release is requested) or N if no specific release is requested. An assisted workflow launches the task owner to the parent Change record. |
REQRMCFR Request to remove Change |
This task classification brings in no attributes. An assisted workflow launches the task owner to the parent change record. |
SWDIST Software Distribution |
This classification brings in an attribute for specifying the source software package CI and target CIs for the distribution; in addition, an ID is assigned to the distribution task. An assisted workflow creates a deployment record and launches the task owner to the deployments application, where the software distribution can be carried out. |