Release status and progress indicators

A Release has a status value and a progress value. Status is an internal value that is set automatically when key actions occur, such as release submission, acceptance, or rejection; you can also manually reset the status value. The progress value is set manually or by an automated job plan task.

Release status values

A Status value indicates the actual status of the work that is occurring during a Release lifecycle. The internal Flow Controller component uses the Status value to determine the tasks that should be started. If a release has the status "In Progress," the Flow Controller knows to start kicking off the tasks in the release, one by one.

Release progress indicators

The user-definable progress value indicates the overall progress that has been made in a release. The product ships with a built-in set of progress values that correspond to the release status values that are defined by the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL). These built-in progress values are as follows:
Built-in progress value Indicates that
Open A request has been submitted for a release; a release record for the release is displayed in the releases list.
Built The binaries, support files, installation scripts, and other items needed to deploy the release have been developed and tested.
Accepted The release has been assessed and accepted for deployment.
Scheduled The release has been scheduled.
Communicated Any communications that are necessary for the release have been issued. For example, Configuration Management has been informed that one or more CIs will be affected by an upcoming release.
Implemented The release has been deployed to a specified set of CI targets.
Failed The release implementation was not successful.
Canceled The release was canceled.
Complete The release was implemented successfully.
If you apply the built-in PMRELEASE job plan to a release, automated tasks are performed that set the progress value to reflect the fact that the release has progressed to the next stage. For example, the last task in the Build activity automatically changes the progress value to Built. If you create your own job plan, you can specify progress changes in either of two ways:
  • Define a manual Change Progress task as the last task in an activity; for example, Change Progress to Built might be the last task in the Build activity. The task owner will manually change the release progress to Built when he or she performs the task.
  • Configure an automated action that changes the progress to reflect the most recently completed activity. For example, you can configure an automated final action in the Build activity that changes the progress to Built, as in the built-in job plan. See the "Automating a progress change" topic for a list of automated actions that correspond to the ITIL-aligned progress values, along with instructions for automating a progress change.
A Release Administrator can customize progress values as required to reflect the needs of your organization. You can, for example, remove progress values from the built-in set, and you can create new progress values.
