
You can view the built-in reports to obtain information about scheduled releases in your data center. From each report, you can click a link to see details about a particular release. Reports are accessed through the Reports module. You can create new reports, edit existing reports, and otherwise manage your collection of reports. This topic describes the reports that are provided with the shipped product.

You can create reports in the Report Administration application, which is accessible through the Reporting module.

The following table lists the reports that are provided as content.

Report Description
Releases by Type For a specified time period, a pie chart shows the percentage of total reports that are of each defined Type. The report also lists the reports by Type.
Release Details Displays comprehensive information about a report. This report is displayed when you click the name of a release that is listed in another report. You must have the other report open in order to access the Release Details report.
Releases by Priority For a specified time period, a pie chart shows the percentage of total reports that have each numeric Priority value. The report also lists the reports by Priority.
Releases by Classification For a specified time period, a pie chart shows the percentage of total reports that have each Classification value. The report also lists the reports by Classification.
Releases by Process Status For a specified time period, a pie chart shows the percentage of total reports that have each process Status value. The report also lists the reports by Status.
Releases by Progress For a specified time period, a pie chart shows the percentage of total reports that have each Progress value. The report also lists the reports by Progress.
Forward Schedule of Releases Lists the future releases that are defined in the schedule. The only difference between this report and the IT Forward Schedule of Releases report is that the IT version includes the Progress value for each report that is listed.
IT Forward Schedule of Releases Lists the releases that are defined in the schedule; shows the Progress value for each listed release.
Forward Schedule of Releases by CIs Lists all of the releases that are in the schedule that are expected to affect a specified CI.
