The built-in PMRELBLDTE job plan can be used to build and test a release package that you do not want to deploy at this time. Activities in this job plan ensure that the release is adequately planned, designed and built, tested and verified, and reviewed and closed. The release is ready for deployment when you determine deployment is needed.

Job plan structure

The built-in release job plan is named Build and Test Releases.

The following table shows the PMRELBLDTE job plan and its nested job plans. To view the individual tasks that are contained in the nested job plans, open the PMRELBLDTE job plan in the Job Plans application, where you can examine the tasks.

Process job plan Nested job plans Job plan names
PMRELBLDTE   Build and Test Releases
  PMRELPLSG Release Plan Strategy
  PMRELDEBLD Design and Build Release
  PMRELTEVY Test and Verify Release
  PMRELRWCLS Review and Close Release
