Event loggers
Event loggers are used to record application and crontask errors and events that occur in IBM Control Desk. The resulting log files can be used to confirm completed processes and diagnose system errors.
The following table lists the error levels that Control Desk supports.
Error | Description |
FATAL | Logs severe error messages that indicate application failure. |
ERROR | Logs error messages that indicate errors in the application functionality that is processed. |
WARN | Logs warning messages that indicate harmful situations in the functionality that is processed. |
INFO | Logs informational messages that highlight the progress of the functionality processed. |
DEBUG | Logs extensive messages that are useful to debug. |
Most loggers are inactive by default, and set to ERROR mode. You need to activate the logger and set it to the appropriate mode to get more logging and tracing information. The entry and exit tracing is added at the DEBUG level.
Logger | Key | Remarks |
AssetManagement | log4j.logger.maximo.application. AssetManagement | . |
AssetManagementCrons | log4j.logger.maximo.application.AssetManagement.crontask | |
ccmdb | log4j.logger.maximo.application.ccmdb | |
pmpcommon | log4j.logger.maximo.application.ccmdb.pmcom | Child of ccmdb |
pmpuiwidgets | log4j.logger.maximo.application.ccmdb.pmuiwidgets | Child of ccmdb |
pmpchg | log4j.logger.maximo.application.ccmdb.pmchg | Child of ccmdb |
pmpcfg | log4j.logger.maximo.application.ccmdb.pmcfg | Child of ccmdb |
pmprel | log4j.logger.maximo.application.ccmdb.pmrel | Child of ccmdb |
multithread | log4j.logger.maximo.application.ccmdb.multithread | Child of ccmdb. Set the logging level for this logger to ERROR, unless debugging multithread applications is required. It generates many log entries if the level is set to DEBUG. |
tsrm | log4j.logger.maximo.application.tsrm | |
pmcommon | log4j.logger.maximo.application.tsrm.common | Child of tsrm |
pmsrvreq | log4j.logger.maximo.application.tsrm.srvreq | Child of tsrm |
pmincident | log4j.logger.maximo.application.tsrm.incident | Child of tsrm |
pmproblem | log4j.logger.maximo.application.tsrm.problem | Child of tsrm |
pmsolution | log4j.logger.maximo.application.tsrm.solution | Child of tsrm |
pmsearch | log4j.logger.maximo.application.tsrm.search | Child of tsrm |
pmsurvey | log4j.logger.maximo.application.tsrm.survey | Child of tsrm |
shopping | log4j.logger.maximo.application.tsrm.shopping | Child of tsrm |
catalog | log4j.logger.maximo.application.tsrm.catalog | Child of tsrm |
offering | log4j.logger.maximo.application.tsrm.offering | Child of tsrm |
PMSCCR | log4j.logger.maximo.application.tsrm.pmsccr | Child of tsrm |