The billing process

You create a bill batch in the Customer Billing application. Only one bill batch for a customer agreement is active. Work orders, tickets, and sales orders associated with all revisions of the agreement can be added to the bill batch.

Adding bill lines

You add bill lines to the batch when you click Copy WOs, Tickets, and SOs, Select Work Orders, Select Tickets, or Select Sales Orders in the Bill Batch Lines table window.

Unbilled, closed, resolved, or completed work orders, tickets, and sales orders are copied to the table rows. Their completed or resolved date is less than or equal to the bill end date. As well, if partial billing is allowed for a price schedule, then completed work on a work order is included in a bill batch, even if the work order remains open. Work can be billed as soon as the transactions are recorded on the work order.

The initial status of the work orders, tickets, or sales orders that are included in the batch can vary and is determined by billing options settings in the Organizations application.

These billing objects might be added to a bill batch for the first time, or they might have been billing objects from the previous bill batch that were disputed or on hold. The billing objects are for all revisions of the associated customer agreement.

Adjusting bill lines

When you review the lines in the bill batch, you might correct errors in the work orders, tickets, or sales order by returning to the work order application, the ticket application, or the sales order application, and updating incorrect information. Changes you make in those applications might result in a recalculated agreed price.

For example, you noticed that a labor failed to report hours to the work order. When you add the missing labor hours to the work order, the agreed price on that bill line is recalculated to include the increased labor cost.

Another way to adjust a bill line is to enter a new value in the Bill Price field. If you change the bill price, the agreed price is not changed, but the price that is billed to the customer is changed.

Changing line and batch status

After you review a bill batch for accuracy and completeness, change the status of lines as needed and change the status of the batch to PREBILL. If the bill batch contains lines you do not want to bill, change the status of the line to HOLD. The batch now is available to the customer to review in the Bill Review application.

Reviewing customer bills

The customer reviews the bill in the Bill Review application. The customer does not see lines with a status of HOLD or REMOVED. The customer can change lines from WAPPR to APPROVED or to DISPUTE and from APPROVED back to WAPPR or to DISPUTE. Disputed lines require remarks by the reviewing customer. The customer changes the batch status to REVIEWED, to make it available for your review and final bill tasks.

Completing the final review and adjustments

The bill batch has a status of REVIEWED. You review and try to resolve any lines with a status of DISPUTE. Change the status of these lines to RESOLVED or to HOLD. After you complete the review, change the batch status to BILLED.

Billing the bill batch

All lines in a BILLED bill batch with an APPROVED or RESOLVED status are considered billed. You can send these bills to your accounts payable system.

All lines in a BILLED bill batch with a HOLD or DISPUTE status are not billed. They are included in the next bill batch if they are eligible to be billed at that time.

Viewing billing information

To see billing status for a record, use theView the Billing Status History action on that record. The work order, ticket, or sales order that was billed displays bill status.

To see costs and prices for a ticket or work order, use the View Costs and Prices action on that record.

To see all revenue for a revision of a customer agreement, see the Revenue section of the Customer Agreement tab of the Customer Agreements application for that record.
