Bill batch status

Bill batches can have various status values, depending on the stage in the billing process. A new bill batch has the status INPROGRESS.

Bill batches can have various statuses, as described in the following section. A new bill batch has the status INPROGRESS.

Table 1. Bill batch status values
Status Description

Initial status of bill batch.

From this status, you can change the bill batch status to PREBILL or to CANCEL.

PREBILL Prebill for customer. The batch is available for customer review in the Bill Review application.

From this status, you or the customer can change the bill batch status to REVIEWED in the Bill Review application or to INPROGRESS or CANCEL in the Customer Billing application.

REVIEWED Reviewed by customer

From this status, you can change the bill batch status to BILLED, back to PREBILL or to CANCEL.

BILLED Closed. Like a history record. This bill is the final bill statement sent to the customer.

You cannot edit any fields on a customer bill in this status. You cannot change this status

CANCEL Canceled. The bill batch was created in error.

You cannot change this status. All associated billing objects in this batch are eligible for the next created bill batch.
