Customer agreement price schedules

A price schedule on a customer agreement describes services that you provide, assets, and locations entitled to services, conditions under which you provide services, and the billing rules that you apply to completed work.

A customer agreement contains one or more price schedules. Each price schedule is subject to the terms, conditions, and other criteria that you specify on the agreement. The customer agreement is the parent to its child price schedules. Since each schedule shares billing rules, you create an additional schedule whenever you have new billing rules or define other criteria. The following discussion about applying a price schedule uses the assumption that the customer agreement is applicable to a record for this customer. For example, the agreement is active, the service date falls within the start and end dates of the agreement, and so on.

Applicable record types

Records to which you can apply price schedules are:
  • Tickets (service requests, incidents, and problems)
  • Work orders (work orders, activities, changes, releases)
  • Sales orders

Criteria used to match the price schedule to the other record

The price schedule is applicable to records with values that match criteria that you specify on the price schedule. The less specific the price schedule, the more records to which it is potentially applicable, and vice versa. When you apply a price schedule to a ticket, work order, or sales order, the system uses the following logic to select an applicable price schedule:

If more than one price schedule is applicable, the system uses the ranking value on the price schedule to select one. A lower ranking number takes precedence over a higher number.

Applying an agreement and price schedule

You apply an agreement and price schedule to a record with the Apply Customer Agreement action. This action is available in multiple service provider versions of applications. If the agreement and price schedule are applied, you are notified of the identifiers of each. You are notified if an applicable customer agreement and price schedule cannot be found.

Billing and pricing rules

When you apply a price schedule, you apply the billing and pricing rules that apply to completed work:
  • Whether price quotes are allowed
  • Pricing rules for IT assets that you manage (including rules for IT assets by count, usage, and performance)
  • Pricing rules for actual labor, materials, services, and tools (including fees and markups) that you provide or use
  • Included or minimum pricing thresholds
  • Other fixed fees, incentives, or penalties billed each billing cycle

Removing an applied customer agreement and price schedule

You can remove an applied customer agreement and price schedule if the following conditions are met.
  • Work associated with this price schedule and billing cycle has not been billed; or
  • The work has been included in a bill batch but has not been billed in that batch; or
  • The bill batch is still in process

If you remove the price schedule, you remove all prices from the record and remove the record from its bill batch.
