You add materials pricing rules to a customer agreement
price schedule in the Customer Agreements application. These pricing
rules are used to create billing transactions for materials used on
a ticket or work order to which the price schedule is applied.
Specify pricing rules on the Materials subtab
of the Pricing Rules subtab, on the Price
Schedules tab. Default calculation percentages are added
to reported costs for stocked and non-stocked items. Non-stocked items
do not have an associated item number. You can enter a positive or
negative percentage value to apply a markup or discount to the item
cost or price. You can enter a positive or negative percentage value
to apply a markup or discount to the material cost. You specify the
price book to use for the item list price.
You can also specify a markup or a discount value to be applied
to certain commodities. This markup or discount is applied if the
item used contains that commodity or commodity group. If a zero value
is specified for a markup, the cost of the item or material is charged
as the price. If a zero value is specified as the discount, the list
price is charged as the price. If the No Charge check
box is selected, the price for the item is zero.
Example of multiple price books
Silver Star
Management (SSM) provides building services to several customers in
the Boston area. To be competitive and to offer incentives to their
customers, SSM offers three levels of pricing for the items that are
used for repairs, and three pricing levels for their repair services.
SSM has these prices published in six separate price books. They have
Gold Pricing for services and items, Silver Pricing for services and
items, and Bronze Pricing for services and items. The Gold Pricing
is offered to customers who have the most business with SSM.
The item Gold Pricing price book contains material items.
There are two approved revisions of this price book: Revision 0, which
is effective from 1/1/09 thru 7/15/09, and Revision 1, which is effective
from 7/16/09 and has no ending date. The item Gold Billing price book
is referenced by customer agreement price schedules when calculating
a price for material used on a work order, or when the material item
is used in a billing schedule. The revision that is used to determine
the price is determined as follows:
Planned Material: Find the approved, revised, or expired
revision where the reported date on the work order is within the range
of the price book effective date and end date. If no revision is found,
the price is zero.
Actual Material: Find the approved, revised, or expired revision
where the actual date is within the range of the price book effective
date and end date. If no revision is found, the price is zero.
Returned Material: Find the approved, revised, or expired
revision where the original issue date is within the range of the
price book effective date and end date. If no revision is found, the
price is zero.