Setting up a table domain attribute in an offering dialog box
You use the table domain when you want to use a portion of information needed for the offering that is already specified in another table and you want to input the entry from that table that fits your need. For example, if you want the user to select a backup contact for the offering request, you can present the MAXUSERS table to select a contact.
- Go to .
- Click Add New Domain link at the lower right of the screen, and select Add New TABLE Domain. The TABLE Domain dialog box is displayed.
- Type a domain name and description in the Domain field.
- Click New Row. The TABLE Domain section expands.
- Type or search for a table in the Object field.
- Complete the Where clause field and other information if needed.
- Click OK and Save.
- Next, go to the Offerings application, and select the Add/Modify Attribute action.
- Click New Row, and complete the Attribute, Data Type, Domain, and Organization fields. The data type is "TABLE", and the domain is the name of the domain that you created.
- Place the cursor in the Offering field and type the ID of the offering that you want to add the attribute to, or press Enter to see the full list of offerings.
- Click the offering ID and then click the Change Status action. The Change Status dialog box is displayed.
- Change the status to Planning, and select Roll New Status to Organizations?.
- Click OK.
- Click the Specifications tab, and select the attribute that you just created in by clicking the lookup icon in the Attribute field.
- Complete the Table Attribute field with the name of the attribute from the table domain object that you want to be to be copied into the catalog request.
- Complete the Lookup Name field with the lookup dialog box (defined in lookups.xml) to be used to display the list of table domain object records.
- Click Save to save the offering.
- Change the status of the offering to Active, and select the Roll New Status to Organizations? check box.
- Click OK and Save.
- If your offering uses a custom presentation, add the lookup parameter to the field tag file for your custom dialog. For example: <sctextbox dataattribute="tablevalue1" id="bnsmCR_dial_sec1_att4" label="Operating System" lookup="CI"/>