Fulfillment process
Upon completion of the approval process, the default workflow invokes another workflow (PMSC_SR4) to initiate the fulfillment process.
The optional actions invoked by this workflow are controlled
by the data specified in the Service Request Processing section of
the Offering associated with the Service Request. This process includes
conditional logic to check the offering configuration data and optionally
invoke the following actions:
- Apply a ticket template to the Service Request (Action: PMSC_APPLY_TT) - A conditional node checks to see if there is a ticket template specified on the offering associated with the service request. If a ticket template exists, the action applies it automatically. When the ticket template includes a job plan, an activity work order is created, and a job plan is applied. The activity work order is displayed on the Service Request Activities tab.
- Create a standard work order (Action: PMSC_CREATE_WO) - A conditional node checks to see if the Create Standard Work Order flag is specified on the offering associated with the service request. If the flag is enabled, a standard work order is created. If there is a job plan specified on the offering, it is applied to the work order.
- Create a change work order (Action: PMSC_CREATE_CH_WO) - A conditional node checks to see if the Create Change Work Order flag is specified on the offering associated with the service request. If the flag is enabled, a change work order is created.
- Copy the SR specification to the work order (Action: PMSC_SR_COPYSPEC) A conditional node checks to see if the Copy SR Specification to Work Order flag is specified on the offering associated with the service request. If the flag is enabled, the custom action copies the service request specification data (TICKETSPEC) to the work order specification (WORKORDERSPEC).
- Copy the SR attributes to the work order (Action: PMSC_SR_COPY_WO) A conditional node checks to see if the Copy SR Attributes to Work Order flag is specified on the offering associated with the service request. If the flag is enabled, the custom action uses the TICKET2WO crossover domain to copy service request attributes to the work order.
- Copy the SR attributes to the work order and tasks (Action: PMSC_SR_COPY2TASKS) A conditional node checks to see if the Copy SR Attributes to Work Order and Tasks flag is specified on the offering associated with the service request. If the flag is enabled, the custom action uses the TICKET2TASKS crossover domain to copy service request attributes to the work order and associated tasks.
- Invoke a workflow on the change work order (Action: PMSC_INVOKE_CH_WF) A conditional node checks to see if the Create Change Work Order flag is specified on the offering associated with the service request. If the flag is enabled, the custom action will invoke a workflow on the change work order that was previously created. To specify a workflow to invoke, update the Parameter/Attribute field for this action.
- Invoke a workflow on a Work Order (Action: PMSC_INVOKE_WO_WF) A conditional node checks to see if the Standard Work Order flag is specified and a Standard Work Order Workflow value exists. If so, the custom action will invoke the workflow specified on the offering. The node is the last one in the workflow, so that other actions like copying attribute data to the Work Order can be completed.