Adding attachments

Documents containing information about the offering can be attached to an offering and can be accessed when the user clicks on the offering dialog in the Offering Catalog or Self Service Center.

You can add attachments by clicking on the attachment icon Attachment icon on the offering dialog, and selecting Add New Attachments.

You can delete an attached document from an offering if the corresponding request has not been approved. To delete an attachment, click on the attachment icon Attachment icon and select View Attachments. The View Attachments dialog displays the list of attachments. Click Delete Delete icon next to the attachment you want to delete.

By default, attached documents are sent to the vendor with the order.

There are two types of Attachments that customers can access when offerings are presented in the Offering Catalog and Self Service Center:

The first is associated with the offering and is used to pass information to the end user. When the service designer creates an offering, a document can be specified as part of the offering definition. For example, if the offering is to install DB2 the— DB2 Installation Guide can be attached to the offering as an Offering Document. The user clicks on the Offering Documents link in the offering dialog to display the documents associated with the offering. The user can open, save, or print any of the documents.

The second type of attachment is a document that the user needs to pass to the fulfillment chain, and is provided at the time the offering is ordered. An example of this might be a diagram of how the user wants office furniture laid out. The user selects the offering for an office move. A dialog appears to instruct the user to attach any information for placement of furniture via the User Attachments link. The user selects the attachment icon, which then presents options to add either a file or a web page to the offering. The user completes their attachment choices, adds the offering to the cart, and submits it. The attached document is then passed through the supply chain process.
Note: This link is only displayed on a default dialog that has Display User Attachments checked, or if the Attachments link is specified on a custom presentation dialog.
