Browsing and ordering offerings in the Offering Catalog
The Offering Catalog allows you to search for, browse, and order offerings. You can also add offerings to you Favorites list or add them to your shopping cart. You can only order offerings that you are authorized to order by your administrator.
- Finding an offering
In the Offering Catalog, you can search for all offerings that have status Active and for which you have access. - Viewing offering details
In the Offering Catalog application, a short description of the offering is displayed in the offerings list. You can view more details about the offering. - Ordering a service
You can order a service on the Catalog tab of the Offering Catalog application. - Using Order Now!
The Order Now! function allows you to bypass the normal ordering steps of adding an offering to a cart and submitting the cart, by creating a new cart for this one offering, and submitting it. The contents of your current cart are unchanged. Not all offerings can be ordered using Order Now. - Rating an Offering
You can rate offerings and add comments by clicking the Comments and Ratings tab in the Offering Catalog and Self Service Center, or by clicking on the Rate this Offering button on the View Service Request dialog in the My Requests pod in the Self Service Center. Not all offerings can be rated. Only offerings that have the Allow Comments and Ratings? checkbox checked in the Offerings application will have the Rate this Offering button that allows ratings and comments to be added. - Allowing users to have single or multiple carts active at a time
By default users have only one shopping cart active at a time in the Offering Catalog application. The default can be changed either globally or per user to allow multiple shopping carts active at one time. - Starting a new cart
Users can have one or more shopping carts active at a time in the Offering Catalog application. The default can be changed either globally or per user to allow multiple shopping carts active at one time. - Viewing all carts
The View All Carts function allows you to see all carts you have in progress. By default users have only one shopping cart active at a time. An administrator can change this to allow users to have multiple shopping carts active at a time. - Viewing current offerings in my cart
You can view the offerings in your current cart using the Shopping Cart application. - Viewing Favorite Offerings
The Favorite Offerings list is available from the Offering Catalog. - Adding to Favorite Offerings list
The Favorite Offerings list is available from the View Favorite Offerings link in the Offering Catalog application. It allows you quick access to your favorite offerings. - Deleting from Favorite Offerings list
You can delete items from your favorite offerings list when you click an offering in the Offering Catalog application. Delete a favorite offering if you no longer want it in your list.
Parent topic: Shopping for offerings and services
Parent topic: Service Request Catalog module