Features of the map display

With minor exceptions, the map that is displayed from the Map tab for a single record is the same as the one displayed from the Map - Below or Map - Side by Side tab for one or more records. The single-record map and the related CIs map do not have routes drawn in the map.

About this task

After you use one of the mapping tabs to display a map, note the following characteristics of the display:
  • (Not provided by the single-record map or the related CIs map.) By default, when you draw a map for one or more records below or beside the record list, a route is displayed between records; your location is the starting location on the route. The map for a single record does not provide a route.
  • For side-by-side and below-table maps, the records are routed in the order in which they are displayed in the record list.
  • The record list has fewer columns than the one shown without the map. A new column, Zip/Postal Code, is included; this column enables you to view, at a glance, the zip or postal code that corresponds to the location of the record listed in the table.
  • You can filter the table to limit the number of records to show. You can also sort the table column to change the order of the table.
  • The records are shows as symbols containing legends that indicate the attribute that is set for that record in the presentation.xml file. For example, by default in the shipped product, a Change record legend indicates the current priority of the Change. The two map types display different attributes by default; you can view the attributes and temporarily change the attribute shown for the current browser session. See "Managing the map display" for details.
  • You can change the number of symbols to display by changing the mxe.map.queryLimit system property.
  • You can use the icons and other controls in the map display to manipulate the view in various ways. See "Managing the map display" for more information.
