Performing post-installation steps

The post-installation steps described in this section are required only if you installed the IBM Endpoint Manager for Remote Control in interactive mode. The command line installation does not require any post-installation steps.

About this task

Post-installation steps for Windows

About this task

Complete the following steps on all Windows computers where you installed the IBM Endpoint Manager for Remote Control , if you used the interactive mode of installation:


  1. Edit the Windows registry location:

    On 32-bit Windows, the SOFTWARE registry is stored in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE.

    On 64-bit Windows, there is a 32-bit and a 64-bit registry. The 32-bit SOFTWARE registry is stored in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node.

    The 64-bit SOFTWARE registry is stored in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE

  2. Edit the following registry properties as shown:
  3. After editing the registry properties, restart the agent service, named IBM® Endpoint Manager Remote Control - Target.

Post-installation steps for Linux

About this task

Complete the following steps on all Linux computers where you installed the IBM Endpoint Manager for Remote Control, if you used the interactive mode of installation:


  1. Edit the following entries in the /etc/ibmtrct.conf file as shown:
    InstallDir = /opt/ibm/trc/target
    WorkingDir = /var/opt/ibm/trc/target
    TransferDir = /var/opt/ibm/trc/target/filetransfer
    Managed = no
    CheckUserLogin = no
    ConfirmTakeOver = Yes
    # Specify the URL to connect to the IBM Tivoli Remote Control server.
    # Example:
    ServerURL =
    # If required, specify the URL of a proxy to use for http/https connections
    # Example: [userid[:password]@][:port]
    # ProxyURL =
    PortToListen = 888
    HeartBeatRetry = 10
    GroupLabel = DefaultTargetGroup
    # If required, override or specify the path to the 
    # Java runtime environment you want to use
    # This is only needed for the command line interface
    # JavaHome =
  2. Restart the agent:
    /sbin/service ibmtrct restart
