Creating and publishing software offerings

In the Software Catalog application in IBM® Control Desk, create and publish offerings for software that you want to deploy for your users.

About this task


  1. In IBM Control Desk, go to Administration > Deployed Assets > Software Catalog.
  2. To select the software to deploy, click Software Name.
  3. From the Actions menu, select Publish to Self Service.
  4. In the Task Name field on the Configure deployment options panel, select one of the following options to specify a task name.
    Option Description
    To assign a task by selecting a software package from IBM Endpoint Manager.
    1. Select Assign from Software Package
    2. Select the software package and click Next.
    3. Specify the IBM Endpoint Manager task to run.
    4. Click Assign.
    To assign a task by selecting a Fixlet from IBM Endpoint Manager.
    1. Select Assign generic task .
    2. Specify the IBM Endpoint Manager task to run.
    3. Click Assign.
  5. After the deployment task is assigned, click Next.
  6. To assign a license to the software, in the License field in the Assign License section of the Create offering panel, select one of the following options:
    • Click Select value to assign a predefined license.
    • Click Go to Licenses to assign a new license.
  7. To publish an offering, select from the following options:
    Option Description
    Publish the software Select this option if you only want to publish the software. You can deploy the software with one of the IBM Endpoint Manager deployment offerings that is provided with Control Desk. For more information, see License deployment offerings.
    Create a new offering and publish the software in the Self Service Center using that offering Select this option to publish the software and create a single offering for the selected software in the Self Service Center. The software is configured and can be included in an offering. The offering can be deployed using IBM Endpoint Manager.
  8. In the Offering section of the panel, specify the offering name and description, then click Configure to assign an image, a price book, and a catalog for the offering.
    1. On the Catalog tab, you can assign an image and a catalog to the offering.
    2. On the Approval Process tab, you can change the Approval process or select your own workflow.
    3. On the Price and Cost tab, you can select the price book and specify the offering price and the license allocation.

      In the Price Book list you can see the price books only in draft status. To see the price in the offering, you must activate it from the Price Book application. The price book is then added to the Price Book list starting from the revision date.

  9. Click Finish.
