Additional configuration steps for OSLC Rational ClearQuest Integration
For Rational ClearQuest users that are using a repository name that is different from the Rational ClearQuest default name of "7.0.0", the following additional configuration steps are required.
About this task
The following additional configuration steps for Rational ClearQuest Integration are required:
- The Service Provider List URI field
is read-only when any OSLC Interactions exist for a Service Provider.
To change the Service Provider List URI to correspond to your repository,
you must delete the existing Interactions.
- Click Go to > Integration > OSLC Providers.
- Open the Rational ClearQuest OSLC Provider, SCCDCQPROVIDER.
- In the OSLC Interactions table, select the delete icon next to each OSLC Interaction to delete it. Repeat until all interactions are removed.
- After the Interactions are deleted, edit the Service Provider List URI field, replacing 7.0.0 with your repository name. Save the OSLC Provider.
- You must also edit the Access Token, Request Token, and
Authorization URL paths in your End Point.
- Click Go to > Integration > Endpoints..
- Open the Rational ClearQuest End Point, SCCDCQOAUTH.
- Edit the value fields for ACCESSTOKENURL, AUTHORIZATIONURL, and REQUESTTOKENURL, replacing 7.0.0 with your repository name.
- Save the End Point.
- Add the Interactions back by using the OSLC Interaction
creation wizard.
- Click Go to > Integration > OSLC Providers.
- Open the Rational ClearQuest provider, SCCDCQPROVIDER.
- Select the Create OSLC Interaction action.
- To create a selection interaction, enter the following
when prompted. You can leave all other fields filled with their default
- Interaction Type: SELECTIONDIALOG
- Resource Type: SCCDCR
- Usage URI:
- Click Next.
- Association Property: affectedByDefect
- Click Next.
- Application: PROBLEM
- Application Tab: relatedrec
- Push Button Label: Associate Request
- Security Group: Go through the list and select which groups can use the selection interaction.
- Click Complete.
- To create a creation interaction, enter the following
when prompted. You can leave all other fields filled with their default
- Interaction Type: CREATIONDIALOG
- Resource Type: SCCDCR
- Usage URI:
- Click Next.
- Association Property: affectedByDefect
- Click Next.
- Application: PROBLEM
- Application Tab: relatedrec
- Push Button Label: Create Request
- Security Group: Go through the list and select which groups can use the creation interaction.
- Click Complete.
- Optional: You can use Application Designer
to edit the tab, table, or labels that the interaction wizard created.
- Click Go to > System Configuration > Platform Configuration > Application Designer.
- Open the Problems application.
- Use the Export XML action to obtain the application XML.
- Edit the XML, replacing any label attributes in the OSLC tab group with a different name. It is important that only label attributes are changed.
- Import the XML and Save the application in Application Designer to apply the changes.
- You can now use the Rational ClearQuest Integration in the Related Records tab of the Problems application.