Configuration steps for associating problem records

In order to use the integration, you must configure it.

About this task

The following configuration steps for OSLC Integration are required:


  1. Configure the Service Provider (Rational Team Concert™ or Rational ClearQuest) for OSLC and obtain the host name, port (if applicable), consumer key, and consumer secret. Consult the service provider documentation if required.
  2. Update the Service Provider with the correct host and port information as follows:
    1. Click Go to > Integration > OSLC Providers.
    3. Click Change Public URI.
    4. Enter the new URL with the host name and port that correspond with your Service Provider. Required values are denoted with brackets, that is, <required>
    5. Click OK. The Public URI and Service Provider List URI are updated in the OSLC Provider. The Access Token, Request Token, and Authorization URLs are updated in the corresponding End Point.
  3. Update the End Point with the correct consumer key and consumer secret as follows:
    1. Click Go to > Integration > End Points. You can also get to the end point by choosing Go To Endpoint next to the End Point field on the OSLC Provider application.
    2. Open the End Point (SCCDRTCOAUTH or SCCDCQOAUTH).
    3. Enter the consumer key in the CONSUMERKEY Value field.
    4. Enter the consumer secret in the CONSUMERSECRET Value field.
    5. If you changed the default Access Token, Request Token, or Authorization URL paths in your Service Provider, you must edit the paths that were provided by default.
    6. Save the End Point.
  4. You can choose to show or hide the Rational Team Concert and Rational ClearQuest integrations in the Problems application, depending on which providers you decide to use. To enable or disable display of the integrations:
    1. Open the System Properties application.
    2. Click Go to > System Configuration > Platform Configuration > System Properties.
    3. Expand the Filter in the Global Properties table and search for the Property Name "sccd.oslc".
    4. To enable the view of the Rational ClearQuest integration, set the sccd.oslc.problem.cq.enabled property to 1. Otherwise, set it to 0.
    5. To enable the view of the Rational Team Concert integration, set the sccd.oslc.problem.rtc.enabled property to 1. Otherwise, set it to 0.
    6. Select the check box next to both properties and choose the Live Refresh action.
  5. The following configuration steps are optional:
    1. In the OSLC Providers application, you can change the association property values for the Interactions. The association property is the property that gets set in Rational Team Concert or ClearQuest. For example, if your association property is affectedByDefect, and you linked Problem 1 with Rational Team Concert defect 2, you see affectedByDefect with a link to Problem 1 when you open Defect 2 in Rational Team Concert.
    2. In the OSLC Providers application, you can update the Interaction Mappings. These mappings control the data that is prefilled when you create a work item in Rational Team Concert. By default, the Problem Summary is filled in to the newly created Defect's title in Rational Team Concert, but this can be changed or other prefill options can be added. Using a prefilled mapping is not supported in ClearQuest.
